They grow so fast.
The new-born duly celebrated,
decorations are quickly packed away.
The hidden years flow by
until we see him,
a man of thirty,
standing by the River Jordan.
A new birth:
he will take the plunge,
immerse himself into his calling.
Having been the source
of good tidings so long ago,
the time has come
for spreading comfort and joy,
and speaking God’s freedom
in a time of oppression.
There will be upsets,
and noses put firmly out of joint.
The ending will be...
unexpected –
even though he’d tell his friends
to expect his imminent return.
this first new day
must be marked.
He will slough off the sawdust
of a carpenter’s workshop,
follow his destiny.
As he stands dripping,
drenched in holy affirmation,
he trusts the One
he has followed
since before he can even remember.
Diving from high heaven,
a dove confirms
that all is well.
c.Nik Mac