The viva itself was, bizarrely, excellent fun and I enjoyed it immensely. It also helped that when I walked into the room, both examiners had big smiles on their faces and commented that they'd enjoyed reading it - had to fight off the urge to go 'really?' From the outset, then, the signs were good, and they were very skilled at ensuring I was relaxed. An hour passed in a moment, and then I was told to daunder off while examiners conferred. Walked out to my waiting supervisor and grinned and said 'it was actually fun!' About five minutes later, we were both walking into the room, greetings and congratulations all round, and the inevitable corrections - albeit minor. Ended up with 16 typos to fix; a request to move my pics and tables from the main body of the text into appendices [which made supervisor and self laugh - same conversation had been made last year and she had opted for main body of text...win some, lose some]; change my chapter numbering system; and a couple of 'just check this, is it right?' [I have, they are - idiosyncratic session clerk from 1580's and an early 16th century confessional guide - which spells 'first' as 'fist']. The work itself is all fine 'n dandy.
So. There we go. Corrections to do and submit, and a graduation to sort out. After back to back to back degrees, and 9 years of study, Dr Nik is leaving the New College building...
Johnny Knox, you've done me proud.
I am still grinning like a loon :)
You can check out anytime you want, but you can never leave ;-)
So, Dr Nik, could you have a look at this lump, I can hear a parishioner asking...
So pleased for you, though.
Oh, you'd be quite astonished at what some folks are happy/ think entirely appropriate to show you on hospital visits m'dear!
Congratulations Dr. Nikk. Please update your email address with me :)
Francis Chisholm
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