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I asked my folks for some bales of hay to get the 'feel' of a stable scene so we could do some all-age, interactive worship on 4 Advent...this is what they came up with! :) |
Really love the U A Fanthorpe poem - especially 'haphazard by starlight'.
Also really loved conducting Christmas worship for the first time as a shiny new minister.
Shattered, but ... wow!
And now, back to cooking Christmas dinner. Happy Christmas folks.
Homily for Watchnight
Primary reading: John 1:1-14
May the words of my mouth and the meditations of all our hearts
be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, our strength and our redeemer. Amen.
BC/ AD - a
poem by U A Fanthorpe:
This was
the moment when Before
Turned into After, and the future's
Uninvented timekeepers presented arms.
This was the moment when nothing
Happened. Only dull peace
Sprawled boringly over the earth.
This was the moment when even energetic Romans
Could find nothing better to do
Than counting heads in remote provinces.
And this was the moment
When a few farm workers and three
Members of an obscure Persian sect
Walked haphazard by starlight straight
Into the kingdom of heaven. ... ...
Turned into After, and the future's
Uninvented timekeepers presented arms.
This was the moment when nothing
Happened. Only dull peace
Sprawled boringly over the earth.
This was the moment when even energetic Romans
Could find nothing better to do
Than counting heads in remote provinces.
And this was the moment
When a few farm workers and three
Members of an obscure Persian sect
Walked haphazard by starlight straight
Into the kingdom of heaven. ... ...
We gather
together tonight, and as we gather,
we stand
on a threshold...
this is
the moment,
the time
of the year
when we
look back and remember
the birth
of a child long ago,
in a land
far away.
A longed
for child -
longed for
by a nation...
to rescue
and to
restore them;
A child of
promise and power
and yet, a
prince of peace.
A child,
who according to our reading from
gospel, bent the dimensions
of time
and space -
for this child -
the Word
made flesh -
was there
in the beginning...
was there before the beginning of all things...
the Word,
speaking all creation into being.
This is
the moment when we gather
remember the birth
of this
who was -
who is - the light of all people,
the light
which shines in the darkness
and has
never been ...
can never be extinguished.
In this threshold moment,
tinsel, and glitter, and twinkly lights,
(pointed to stable animals in display)
not to
mention a flock of sheep,
a decent
herd of cows,
and possibly
more camels than you can
poke a
stick at,
remember and celebrate
the child
who was,
who is,
It’s a
moment in time
that changes time forever:
for after
the birth of this child
things can
will never,
be the
same again.
meanings of words will be redefined,
as the
Word of God breaks into the world
and the
kingdom of heaven
established on earth
in a
backwater village called Bethlehem,
in a
far-flung outpost of the Roman Empire.
Real power will be seen in vulnerability,
all-powerful God
into finite human time and space
as all-vulnerable:
a baby in a manger -
dependant on the hospitality
of the
human heart to take him in.
systems and structures,
old ways
of doing things that benefit the few,
oppressing the least,
will be
challenged by the God-child born in the humblest, the least likely of dwellings.
past and
present -
and future,
for this
child - and all he represents,
is still longed for:
there’s still rescue and restoration that’s
there are
still places in the world -
places in
our hearts -
peace has yet to come,
where the
light must shine more brightly
to bring
hope to those who see only darkness,
and where
life-sapping, dehumanising structures
We stand
on the threshold,
and as we
the light
that was coming into the world
is one who
shows all people a new way of living -
even now:
a new way
of living that is life-affirming ...
for the
child we wait for
is God’s
love-letter to the world:
the Word
who says
‘do not be
the Word
who is a comfort to the weary,
to those who grieve.
becoming one of us
knowing us
our pain, our joy;
the dust on his feet
the air we breathe...
God becoming
one of us,
God being for us
and with us
God giving
us the right to be his children
his own -
his beloved.
That is the message of Christmas:
in one word -
love -
as the old
hymn goes:
‘Love came
down at Christmas
Love all
lovely, Love Divine;
Love was
born at Christmas,
star and
angels gave the sign’.
As we wait,
poised to welcome the Christ-child
once more
into our world,
and into our hearts,
message of Christmas
is that we
are loved by God
beyond our
wildest imaginings,
and called
by him to live in that love,
and to
love others -
to bring
light into the darkness,
to live
life in all its fullness
shall be our token,
love be
yours and love be mine,
love to
God and neighbour,
love for
plea and gift and sign.’
It is this love -
God’s love
for us,
and our
response to that love
that has
the potential and the power
to heal
and transform;
to restore
and renew -
the world.
It is this love,
shown in
the child in the manger,
enables us, in this moment -
with shepherds, and wise men -
to walk,
haphazard by starlight
into the kingdom of heaven.
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