
Wednesday 3 March 2021

'Ten words' - thoughts on Exodus 20:1-17

The Ten Commandments - panel at
the National Museum of Scotland
 At first, the Ten Commandments were not referred to as such, but rather as the ‘ten words’ which, later in the Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible called the Septuagint, was translated as the ‘decalogue’. These ‘ten words’ were not written in order to beat people with a stick, but rather, were meant to be life enhancing. They are words that are relational—words aimed at living at peace with God, yourself, your neighbours—words that have as their prime motivation, love.

Ten words—
the Decalogue;
as I have loved you.
Love yourself.
Love others.

Ten words—
summed up in one:
Not a trap to trip you,
beat you down
or smother.

Ten words—
that show God’s heart.
that guards and guides you;
seeks the best...
and where peace prospers.
     c.Nik Mac 2021

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